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пятница, 6 июля 2007 г.

Video: Live from Dearborn - 2008 Mustang Shelby GT convertible

I admit it, I'm an unabashed Mustang fan. I have been ever since I was a kid and a family friend had a blue '69 Mach1. The first brand new car I bought after I graduated from college was a '91 5.0L LX. It may not have had the classic Mustang looks, but it had the heart of a pony.

At Ford's 2008 model preview in Dearborn they had plenty of ponies for us sample, including the shiny blue Shelby GT ragtop in the picture. Chris and I immediately made a beeline for the Shelby and fired it up. No matter what you think about the Mustang's interior or retro styling, on a summer morning as sunny as this, the visceral thrill of hearing a big rumbling V8 with the top down is enough to make any car fan smile.

Continue reading after the jump.

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